Sunday, April 4, 2010

QRJs memories from Rabbitjack's Casino

Who are these smokin', drinkin', bettin' bunnies, you ask? They're part of our NEW exhibit: Tribute to RabbitJack's Casino! With memories from the QRJ's themselves:

Tribute to QRJs and Rabbitjack's Casino

We were lucky enough to hear recently from a former QRJ, Bruce, (Bruce, aka QRJ Mack, QRJ Lucky...)Here is what he was kind enough to send in:

Hiyas Julia!!
I took the liberty to forward your reply to some of the former QRJs. Mayhap they may want to write something of their expierinces too. To give a feel of what it was like in the games,cerca 1996,I've copied a snippet from a log;

QRJ Lucky: Game is Reverse Guts Bingo!
OTF Nutso: ::snore::
Wendymig1: {S idont
QRJ Lucky: Anyone have a bucket of water??
RetUSAFE6: Wendy you need a new card
OTF Nutso: Not too cold I hope!! ;X
Wendymig1: It is a new one
Dalmi26: for what ?
QRJ Lucky: Dalmi...for OTF :X
Dalmi26: well I can GET you one ;)
QRJ Lucky: LOL!!! ;D
QRJ Lucky: and the Soap??
QRJ Lucky: deoderant soap....
Dalmi26: caress do?
OTF Nutso: Actually a wet washcloth might help!! ;X
SINDI 17: another bad card :(
QRJ Lucky: Sure!!

End snippet.

What isn't shown is the numbers as they're being called and unfortunately, no color. This is from the bingo game that was created after the Casino was taken off the servers in 1995.
I started hosting as a QRJ on QLink on the first of Sept., 1990. Can't recall the exact date but that memory of my first day does remain with me. I was called to the lounge in my QRJ "duds" and intruduced to the people there.

I then called for a game in the poker room and ran a few hands before returning to the lounge to call for a game of Blackjack. At that time, the Lounge QRJ was expected to run to the lounge, call for a game and immediately run to the named game room to host a few hands or rounds. When he/she wasn't running a few hands of Blackjack or Poker, he/she was expected to be there in the lounge to respond to comments/questions and announce games in progress.


  1. How how time flies. I was QRJ Fox, and QRJ Cory, back in the 80s and 90s....its been a long time since I have heard from anyone from RJs casino. I also used the name Vetteboy1.

  2. How how time flies. I was QRJ Fox, and QRJ Cory, back in the 80s and 90s....its been a long time since I have heard from anyone from RJs casino. I also used the name Vetteboy1.
